Wonderful Food Job Descriptions

Oh, the people you meet!

A few days ago, I came across a short film about some incredibly inspiring work that is being done by one of the delegates I met at the We Feed The Planet (WFTP) conference in Milan last month.

Two years ago, when I started writing this blog, my objective was to explore career possibilities and niches in the world of food. And while I learned of more food careers than I had ever imagined during my gap year, that was just a tiny fraction of the diverse ‘job descriptions’ so to speak, that I learned about at the WFTP conference.

So, here is a list of some of the food professionals I met and made friends with over those four days. I am still so amazed by the diversity of people who came together at that conference!

I fear I may have left out some professions... so if you are reading this and I have not added your work, I encourage you to give me a sound scolding in the comments so I won't forget you again! :)

Some wonderful food-related Job Descriptions:
  1. Seed Saver
  2. Potato Farmer
  3. Fruit Farmer
  4. Coffee Farmer
  5. Rice Farmer
  6. Guarana Farmer
  7. Dairy Farmer
  8. Biodynamic Farmer
  9. Herb Farmer
  10. Millet Farmer
  11. Mushroom Farmer
  12. Cacao Farmer & Chocolate Maker
  13. Spinach Farmer & Spinach King of South Africa!
  14. Social Entrepreneur
  15. Fisher
  16. Beekeeper
  17. Entomophagist
  18. Horticulturalist
  19. Permaculturalist
  20. Chef
  21. Student of Law
  22. Student of Biology & Nutrition
  23. Student of Politics
  24. Student of Gastronomy
  25. Student of Agriculture
  26. Philosopher of Food
  27. Journalist of Agriculture
  28. Food Educator
  29. Food Consultant
  30. Lawyer
  31. Entrepreneur
  32. Indigenous Food Activist
  33. Urban Gardener
  34. Agricultural Activist

Here are my pictures with some of them


  1. Absolutely amazing! 35. Pickled food producer 36. Seafood restaurant owner 37. Vineyard pruner 38. Juice-maker 39. Fruit tree pruner 40. Fish harvester 41. Skipper 42. Boat crew 43. Chef 44. And many more :) :)

    1. Lovely, thank you so much for these additions! :)


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